Sunday, June 12, 2016

Download OlsonKart - Bootstrap E-Commerce Theme v2.7

OlsonKart Features:
  1. Minimal theme.
  2. Great use of typography.
  3. Animated bootstrap carousel.
  4. Navigation plugin with on hover dropdown menu.
  5. Customized buttons.
  6. Company status section.
  7. Subscription form, testimonial, CTA, etc.,
  8. Whats new uses rotating carousel.
  9. Clients section.
  10. Three column footer.
  11. Go to top button on bottom right.
  12. Items list on home page with hot symbol, image, details, price and add to cart link.
  13. Base file to create your own pages.
  14. Simple 404 error page.
  15. About us page with company and team details.
  16. Blog page with two sidebars.
  17. Blog single page with one sidebar and comments.
  18. Careers page with bootstrap nav tabs.
  19. Simple coming soon page with countdown script.
  20. My account page with account details.
  21. Contact us page with full width map, form and address.
  22. FAQ page with bootstrap collapse.
  23. Confirmation page after making payment.
  24. Checkout page with form and payment details.
  25. Edit profile page to edit user details.
  26. Unique login and registration page.
  27. Items and single item page with separate sidebar with dropdown.
  28. Featured section on sidebar.
  29. Order history page with previous orders.
  30. Single item page with item purchase details and image screenshot.
  31. Single item page supports bootstrap nav tabs for description, specs and review.
  32. View cart page to view items in the cart.
  33. Discount code and coupon code support in view cart page.
  34. Header supports link to item cart.
  35. Header item cart link opens model with items in the cart with total price.
  36. Lots of white spaces.
  37. Blue theme.
  38. Supports google web fonts.
  39. Supports font awesome icons.
  40. Fully responsive.
  41. Fully based on Bootstrap.
Note: It is a static html e-commerce theme.

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