Ideal theme for a small online shop, you can use it to sell t-shirt, books, photos, or brains for zombie if you want, simple & clean code, easy to update, you will find all client side interaction that you need in JavaScript & Ajax.
- Compatible with Bootstrap 2.0.x
- Uses Bootstrap 2.0.0
- Written in valid HTML5 that makes good use of proper semantics
- Theme modifications are stored in a separate CSS stylesheet to make upgrading easy
- JavaScript functions are stored in one file to make upgrading easy
- View the layout without styles to see the well-formed, bare markup
- Includes jQuery 1.7.1
- Firefox 4+
- Latest Chrome
- Latest Safari
- Internet Explorer 7+
- Opera 11
- Images are supplied for example
- Ajax & JSON example supplied
- Arial (standard font)
- "HoneyScript-SemiBold" (free font, included)
- Items details shown in modal generated via Ajax
- Adding items to cart
- Managing cart (add / delete items)
- Calculating total price
- Smooth scrolling to top
- pagination
- Sort by category
Boostrap plugins included
- Modal
- Alert
jQuery plugins included
- Masonry