Dead Useful Responsive & Fluid Layout/Wrapper for your Guts - it is not a theme
Responsive Layout Previewer:
4 Color Scheme Ideas (check out the switcher thingy)
This is a highly useful and unique fluid & responsive wrapper (it's not a theme) that contains the header and footer html5, css, and jQuery, as well as some styling for the guts (content). It's intended for use with Bootstrap 3.2 and UP (or even 3.0 and Up).It's easy to upgrade your Bootstrap CSS and script(s), just go to the customizer on and replace the files. You can also use html and/or css from other Bootstrap 3+ themes in the content area (the page guts), but you may have to adjust the css and the break points.
Oftentimes websites/themes are designed for 320px and up, but actually it should be 240px and up and, ideally, fluid because there's a large quantity of different sized devices out there. Always test stuff out on the actual devices.
Tested and performed excellently on modern browsers AND devices with support for IE8. Tested on IOS, Android, Windows Mobile, IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Webkit, Mozilla, and Opera browsers on a variety of devices and platforms both mobile and desktop.
Is this a theme?
No. It's a wrapper (the header, footer, and some styling for the example content provided). It contains the html, css, and the jQuery you see in the demo pages (except the switcher) along with the color css files.
How easy is it to upgrade the bootstrap.css and the bootstrap.js
Very. Just go to the customizer on and create your own build, then replace the files.
What if I don't have equal amount of links?
This is a specific use case wrapper for tall logos and centered navigation with equal links on either side of the logo.
Framework (base only)
- Bootstrap 3.2
Script Sources
- jQuery v2.0.3 for modern browser with fallback to 1.9.1 for IE 8
- Modernizr 2.6.2 (Custom Build) - MIT & BSD
- Respond.js v1.1.0 - MIT License
- Owl Carousel - MIT License
- Detect Touch with Windows support - MIT License
- FitText.js - WTFPL license
- jQuery Cookie Plugin - MIT License
- DC jQuery Vertical Accordion Menu - MIT and GPL License
- selectivizr - MIT License
- All other scripts are custom
- Oxygen - Google Fonts
- GoudyBookletter1911 - Google Fonts
- Font Awesome -
- Glyphicons (comes with Bootstrap)
- Unless otherwise noted, the images are public domain or, if CC, the credit is on the page.