- Bootstrap 3.3.5
- HTML5 valid code
- Fully responsive
- Cross browser support from IE9+
- Options js file
- IonIcon font
- Awesome animation effect
- Cloud animation
- Star animation
- Parallax star animation
- Image background
- Slideshow background with kenburn options
- Html5 video background with audio options
- Youtube video background with audio options
- Audio (options)
- Multi Colors
- Working contact form
- Mailchimp or Save to File subscribe form
Please note that all of the demo image/audio/video are NOT included at download file.
Awesome Audio (not included)
Awesome Video (not included)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6c-dWhCPE0
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcrQlNA1-Sc
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtDgUHw0IJA
Awesome image (demo cc0 image are include you may choose the image that you need, default image use a placeholder)
2016-04-01 v1.04
fixed - fixed bg star effect init issue. fixed - parallax star / cloud linear animation issue. change - cloud image have been change.
2016-01-20 v1.03
fixed - change google font from http to be https. added - cc0 image are included now, read the readme file for more info.
2016-01-17 v1.02
added - parallax effect for cloud/star, can be enable/disable. fixed - cloud/star animation linear easing now work correctly.