Wrapkit is a Responsive Admin Template powered with Bootstrap. Can be used for any type web application. Designed with attractive look, rich features and easy to customize. Works well with frontend/backend frameworks like angularjs, etc. Wrapkit has a huge collection of plugins and UI components and works well on various sizes devices (desktop, tablets, and phones).
- Unique, clean, attractive, rich features, easy customize
- Fully Responsive (works on all major browsers, tablets and phones)
- Bootstrap 3.3.5
- jQuery 2.1.4
- Documentations
- A tons of color skins (Since 1.1 available for grandient)
- Full SASS Support
- RTL Support
- Multiple Sidebar sizes
- Vertical & Horizontal Sidebar mode (Since 1.2)
- Live Resizable Sidebar with mouse/finger
- Multilevel menu
- Exclusive Template Ecosystem:
- wrapkitLayout
- wrapkitSidebar
- wrapkitHeader
- wrapkitContent
- wrapkitFooter
- wrapkitPanel
- Easy cookie (jQuery Cookie)
- Custom scrollbar (jQuery slimScroll)
- Layouts
- Fixed and normal Header Layout (top/bottom position)
- Fixed and normal Sidebar Layout
- Sidebar Align (left/right)
- Sidebar Size (large, medium, small, hidden)
- RTL mode (header, sidebar, content, footer)
- Components
- Grid
- Typhography
- Buttons
- Modal (Support Stackable)
- Tooltip & Popover (w/ contextual colors)
- Alert & Callout
- Progressbar
- Label & Badge
- Nav & Navbar
- Tab & Collapse
- Icons
- Glyphicons
- FontAwesome
- Simple line icon
- Payment Webfont
- Weather Icons
- Forms
- Basic Form
- Advance Form elements
- Uploaders
- x-Editable
- Wizard
- Editor (lighweight & markdown)
- Image cropping
- Form Validation
- Charts
- ChartJs
- Morris Chart
- Easy Pie
- Sparklines
- Tables
- Basic & Responsive Table
- Datatables
- Extras
- Animated CSS
- Bootbox
- Calendar
- jQuery vmap
- Nestable List
- Session Idle
- Session Timeout
- Tostr Notofications
- Tree View
- UI Kits
- Pages
- Signin & Signup
- Lock Screen
- Error Page
- Profile
- Timeline
- Gallery
- Pricing
- Invoice
- Help Page
- Search Result page
- And more features + pages coming soon.