Iwiki - is a responsive and multipurpose admin theme powered with Bootstrap v3.3.6. It can be used for for any type of web applications: custom admin panels, admin dashboards, CMS etc.. Iwiki has a clean and intuitive design which helps you to create an awesome and powerful project. Iwiki has a huge collection of plugins and UI components and works great on all major web browsers, tablets and phones.
- Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
- Built with new Bootstrap 3.3.6
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Uses SASS
- Built in Gulp workflow
- Well structured code
- 45+ pages included
- 4 color themes
- 2 dashboards
- Charts library
- Animations CSS3
- Gallery
- Sliders
- Modals
- Alerts
- E-commerce
- Todo list
- Mailbox app
- User profile
- Timeline
- Widgets page
- Calendar app
- Typography page
- Buttons&other UI elements
- SVG checkboxes
- Bootstrap notification
- Awesome input fields
- Modern loading effects
- Modern dialogs effects
- Image crop page
- 14 different sliders
- 2 chat app
- Contacts app
- Wizard page
- Register page
- and more...
- buttons.html
- calendar.html
- charts.html
- chat.html
- checkboxes.html
- contact.html
- contacts.html
- dashboard2.html
- dialogs.html
- alex.html
- dialogs.html
- annie.html
- cathy.html
- dean.html
- don.html
- donna.html
- ken.html
- ricky.html
- sally.html
- susan.html
- val.html
- email-inbox.html
- email-list.html
- email-send.html
- filter.html
- gallery.html
- index.html
- index-light.html
- index-dark.html
- index-dim.html
- input.html
- loading.html
- notifications.html
- profile.html
- register.html
- slider.html
- timeline.html
- todo.html
- typography.html
- widgets.html
- wizard.html
- 403.html - NEW!
- 404.html - NEW!
- 500.html - NEW!
- login.html - NEW!
- 404.html - NEW!
- lostpassword.html - NEW!
- grid.html - NEW!
- Bootstrap - Css front-end framework.
- Gulp.js - The streaming build system
- SASS - CSS pre-processor system
- AnimateCSS - Collection of CSS3 animations
- Easypiechart - Jquery pie charts
- Font Awesome - The iconic font and CSS toolkit
- Icomoon - Custom icon fonts
- FullCalendar - A JavaScript event calendar.
- HTML5 Shiv - Basic HTML5 styling for old browsers
- Ion.RangeSlider - Easy, flexible and responsive range slider
- Jquery - Fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library
- Jquery UI - Set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery
- MomentJs - Display dates in JavaScript
- Respond.js - Polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries
- Sparkline - Small inline charts
- Chart.js - Simple, clean and engaging charts for designers and developers
- Sweet Alerts - Alerts
- Zabuto Calendar - Jquery calendar
- Modernizr - Good testing tool
- Skycons - Set of animated weather glyphs
- Peppermint - Peppermint touch slider
- Nicescroll - Jquery plugin, for nice scrollbars
- Classie - Class helper functions
- 3D Bold Menu - 3D Bold Menu Navigation
- Add to cart - Add to cart plugin
- Filter - Filter plugin
- Search - Search plugin
- Fullscreen form - Fullscreen register form plugin
- Inputs> - Inputs plugin
- Loading Effects - Loading Effects plugin
- Crop Images - Crop Images plugin
- Dialog Effects - Dialog Effects plugin
- Cart - Cart plugin
- Checkboxes - Checkboxes plugin
- Fixed some bugs
- Added Login page
- Added Recovery password page
- Added 403 error page
- Added 404 error page
- Added 500 error page
- Added Grid options page
- Fixed a bug with the scrolling menu
- Added new features in the top panel
- Improved some pages and widgets
- Fixed a few bugs