December App is built ground up to be the most developer friendly theme in the marketplace. With multiple color schemes and layouts, December App is clean, nimble and flexible. This flexibility comes with easy to use and clean code that can be picked up by anyone with minimal experience in Bootstrap, as we build upon the code base used by millions.
- Responsive Design
- AngularJS – Fast Single Page Application
- AngularJS – Bower packages for front-end dependency management
- AngularJS – Grunt for hassle-free deployment
- AngularJS and HTML – Advanced Panel Controls
- HTML – Comes with Liquid Files
- Separate and detailed documentation with code snippets
We are committed in providing continuous long-term support and more and more new features will be introduced in future releases. You are entitled to free download of all future updates from the first purchase! At present we are providing regular updates from the suggestions taken from our customers.
- bootbox
- bootstrap-datepicker
- bootstrap-datetimepicker
- bootstrap-switch
- bootstrap-tabdrop
- bootstrap-timepicker
- bootstrap-touchspin
- bootstro.js
- card
- chartjs
- nvd3
- flotcharts
- morrisjs
- clockface
- codeprettifier
- datatables
- bootstrap-datepaginator
- dropzone
- bootstrap-duallistbox
- easy-pie-chart
- autosize
- bootstrap-colorpicker
- bootstrap-daterangepicker
- bootstrap-datetimepicker
- fseditor
- jquery.inputmask
- jasny-fileupload
- bootstrap-markdown
- multi-select
- Nestable
- pagedown-bootstrap
- parsleyjs
- select2
- stepy
- boostrap-tokenfield
- typeahead.js
- jquery-validation
- wysihtml5
- x-editable
- fullcalendar
- gridforms
- gmaps
- iCheck
- ion.rangeSlider
- Jcrop
- editable
- mousewheel
- jqvmap
- knob
- pnotify
- skylo
- jquerypulsate
- quicksearch
- Shufflejs
- simpleWeather
- jquery.sparkline
- summernote