Amaretti is a responsive admin template based on the famous Bootstrap framework, made it with love in every pixel, with tons of beautiful features ready to use.
- Full responsive desgn based on Bootstrap
- Beautiful flat design
- Five main color variables
- Fixed top bar
- Two sidebars
- Optimized css animations on mobile
- Less files included
- Built in Grunt workflow
- Customized plugins
- Js modular core
- Five color skins
- Fixed & scrollable left sidebar
- Multiple panel styles
- Error pages styles
- Login & Sign Up pages
- Forgot password page
- Colorful customized charts
- Datatables plugin
- Wizard component
- CSS 3 modal effects
- Easy to customize
- Documentation included
- Checkbox & radio components
Upcoming Updates
- Bootstrap 4 big update
- Gallery images by Unsplash
- Special thanks to Codrops team.
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- nanoScroller
- Bootstrap Markdown
- Google Prettify
- countUp.js
- dataTables
- dataTables Buttons
- Dropzone
- FastClick
- CurvedLines
- Font Awesome
- Bootstrap DateTime Picker
- Gritter
- Fuel UX
- FullCalendar
- jQuery Breakpoint Check
- jQuery Nestable
- jQuery Nifty Modals
- jQuery UI
- jQuery Masked Input
- jVectorMap
- jQuery Sparkline
- Magnific Popup
- Markdown.js
- Masonry
- Moment
- Open Sans
- Parsley
- Raleway
- Bootstrap Slider
- Select2
- Skycons
- 7 Stroke
- Summernote
- Tiny Color